Wednesday, May 20, 2009


In the last several months, I have been really working hard to master the basics of SEO and SEM. 

SEO or Search Engine Optimization, in my words is doing the simple but effective things with your HTML code in an effort to optimize and target your potential website audience.  The book I have been following, and recommend is by Kristopher Jones, who runs Pepperjam, a very respected SEO and SEM company. You can pick it up at any retail book store like Borders, or Barnes and Noble, or of course at the large online bookstore Amazon

Also if your a small company, and don't have the time or the budget to learn, implement, test and perfect these tasks, you can also contact me directly via email, or through my website, as I would be glad to help! These efforts of SEO are a combination of developing organic search listings, as well as pay per click campaigns, to successfully compete for keywords that relate to your business, and to get more people to go to your website.

SEM or Search Engine Marketing, is the various outbound marketing efforts a company employs to target its many different types of potential customers to very specific pages or landing pages on their site. To illustrate if your company offers more then one product or service, it is important to market specifically to each individual customer and not generically to all customers. This becomes more difficult the larger the company and the more products and services they offer. 

Simply being specific with your HTML code, and doing individualized marketing are not enough, a company must also combine traditional marketing into their web based marketing efforts. A new technique that I am working on for the companies I serve is called PURLS, or personalized URL's. This in marketing terms is the best of both worlds. PURLS is personalized urls. This is the process of doing direct mail and or physical marketing, that is very specific, even down to a per customer basis. Each physical item that is delivered to them has it's very own unique  personal(ized) url, or PURL. This way you can test and measure specific marketing strategies to each and every customer and find out what they like, or don't like. You can see what they respond to and what motivates them to find our more about your company's products and services. As the internet becomes more crowded, and more and more people compete for keywords, and search engine rankings, the more we have to balance traditional marketing and targeted marketing.  

While this all might sound like a daunting task, it happens to be very exciting for me, as I have a traditional marketing background, and work hard at learning new techniques to help my clients on the digital frontier.

Should you have any questions about what I can do to help you with SEO or SEM, and help turn more people onto your website, and it's various products and services please contact me through my website: Together we can develop the traditional physical marketing and branding components, optimize your website, and then deliver a PURL campaign with customized tools to study your customers needs wants, and desires, saving you time, money and most importantly making your valued customers happy, by giving them exactly what they want.

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